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Sending Happy Thoughts & A Little Sunshine to All
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​Within the pages of life’s book, are chapters reflecting an emotional look

Upon one’s heart, soul, and windows

Casting glances, lights, and shadows

Love, hurt, and pain are written within

Inks of words carefully spoken

Lines and paragraphs are displayed

Where empty pages once laid

Glimpses of hope, JOY, and peace

Stories to spark intrigue

Past gone, present and future remains

Chapters of life still one to gain


I am so excited you dropped by for a visit. It is my heart's hope that “Joyful Moments with JJ” will be uplifting and an encouragement along your journey of life.  So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, cuddle up in your comfy chair and join the “Joyful Moments with JJ” journey with us.


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.”


Luke 2:10


*** If you have a lighthearted story and would like to have your story shared on air, please email your story, and contact information to:

Joyful Moments with JJ at

 Joyful Moments With JJ
    can be heard locally at
        WXAN 103.9 FM and online at
               Mon-Fri: 7:30 am - 7:37am
            ALSO Streamed @
                        HLE Radio
at various times throughout
e broadcast day

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Joyful Moments With JJ
Click on the flower to access past broadcasts of JMWJJ.
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